We build success in organizations, communities, and families based on mutual trust and continuous support. Imagine this structure as a sandwich, where each layer nourishes and strengthens the one beneath and above it. The Success Sandwich is a dynamic way to conceptualize support and connection from top to bottom, ensuring that everyone grows together.
Three Layers of Connection: A Sandwich of Support
Picture a sandwich—each layer essential to its structure, flavor, and integrity. The top slice of bread represents leaders, mentors, or elders who provide guidance, knowledge, and direction. The middle layer, whether a business department head or a parent, is supported by the top layer and, in turn, supports those below. Finally, the bottom layer, representing new employees, younger family members, or junior team members, receives support from the middle layer.
The Success Sandwich is as Easy as 1-2-3!
1. Top Layer: Leadership and Guidance
The top slice of bread in our metaphor is where support begins. Whether it’s the board of directors in a corporation, a team leader in a department, or grandparents in a family, this layer offers the guidance, wisdom, and resources that the middle layer needs to thrive. Employees who feel connected to their work are more likely to stay with the company long-term.
Example: The Corporate Board
In a corporate setting, the board of directors sets the company's vision, policies, and long-term strategy. They ensure that the C-Suite (the middle layer) has the tools and guidance necessary to achieve company goals. They indirectly support the department heads and teams below them by empowering the C-Suite to teach and train what they have learned. It’s a ripple effect that starts at the top and works its way down, creating a solid foundation for success.
2. Middle Layer: Bridging Leadership and Execution
The middle layer is where the real magic happens. Whether it’s the C-Suite in a corporation, department heads, or the parents in a family, this layer receives support from above and passes it down to those below.
In this crucial position, those in the middle have to balance the expectations and directives from the top while also providing mentorship, training, and hands-on guidance to the bottom layer. The Middle Layer is where leadership truly flourishes.
Example: Family Dynamics
In a family, the middle layer might be the children who are now adults. They still look to their parents for guidance and support, but they are also responsible for raising the next generation, their children. In this role, they are both learners and teachers, growing from the support above while offering wisdom and care to those beneath them.
3. Bottom Layer: Growing with Support
The bottom slice of bread represents those who are still growing, learning, and developing their skills or understanding of the world. In a business, these are the employees who look up to their department heads for direction. In a family, these are the grandchildren, learning from their parents and grandparents.
While this layer receives support, it’s important to remember that they are also part of a future sandwich structure. As they grow, they will move into the middle layer, where they will take on the responsibility of guiding the next generation.
Example: Department Heads and Teams
In an organization, the department heads support their teams by offering mentorship, feedback, and resources to help them grow. As the team members develop, they will eventually rise to positions where they, too, will be in the middle layer, responsible for guiding the next wave of employees. This cycle of support ensures continuity, growth, and strength within the organization.
The Continuous Cycle of Support
The beauty of this Success Sandwich Model is that it’s a continuous loop. The bottom layer eventually becomes the middle, the middle becomes the top, and a new bottom layer is introduced. In a business, this might look like a junior employee being mentored, who later becomes a department head and eventually moves into an executive role, offering support to the next generation of employees.
In a family, this cycle is clear when children grow up to become parents themselves. They provide support to their own children while still receiving guidance from their parents (now grandparents). When these children grow, they will continue the cycle, with new generations creating a fresh “bottom slice” for the family sandwich.
Why This Model Works
The Three-Layer Sandwich Model is a powerful framework for ensuring strength and continuity. Support flows both up and down through any organization, family, or social group. It emphasizes that no one is ever isolated or without a role. Each person is always part of a sandwich: receiving guidance from those above, providing support to those below, and preparing for the time when their position in the sandwich shifts.
This model creates a culture of continuous growth, development, and connection. It ensures that everyone, regardless of where they stand, is both learning and teaching, receiving and giving, ensuring that the sandwich is strong from top to bottom.
A Final Thought
Success is built on a foundation of support in business, families, and communities. By adopting the Three-Layer Sandwich Model, you create an environment where every individual is connected, supported, and empowered to grow. Whether you’re a CEO, a parent, or a team leader, remember that you are part of a sandwich—responsible for those below you and supported by those above. Together, we create a network of growth and success, layer by layer.